Monday, April 5, 2010

Ceramics 1/2 Assignment #3 - Week #3: Big Pond, Small Ripples on the Water of Humanity

If you toss a small stone into the ocean, it will make a small splash and send out ripples. Usually, these small ripples are over taken by bigger waves created by bigger forces.

1. What effect will your participation in the Empty Bowls project have on the "ocean" that is hunger?
2. What can you do to stop the "larger waves" from over taking your "small ripples"?
3. What are some of the "large waves" found in the ocean of hunger?

Post your comments to the blog and respond to any posts you read.

1 comment:

  1. To create bigger "waves" I will take my daughter who is 4 1/2 to the Empty Bowl event and that opportunity will give me the time to talk with her about why it is important that we both buy a bowl. She will no doubt have even more questions than she did last year but the answers will be easy and the time we spend together will make a bigger set of "waves" as I hopefully start a new generation or "wave" makers!!!


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