Friday, September 10, 2010

End of Blog - relocating

Well, thanks for coming and joining in our attempt to blog about the great problem of hunger and the art worlds attempt to aid called the Empty Bowls project. We wish continue to talk about this problem and this project so please join us at . You will need to have your classroom code (provided by Mr. Shipley) and password (provided by Mr. Shipley but can be changed by you) to get to the class discuss. Look to get important dates, reminders of due dates and daily updates about the daily class objectives.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Ceramics 1/2 Assignment #3 - Week #3: Big Pond, Small Ripples on the Water of Humanity

If you toss a small stone into the ocean, it will make a small splash and send out ripples. Usually, these small ripples are over taken by bigger waves created by bigger forces.

1. What effect will your participation in the Empty Bowls project have on the "ocean" that is hunger?
2. What can you do to stop the "larger waves" from over taking your "small ripples"?
3. What are some of the "large waves" found in the ocean of hunger?

Post your comments to the blog and respond to any posts you read.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Ceramics 1/2 Assignment #2- Week #2: A big puzzle with millions of pieces.

The Empty Bowls project is a national project and this is your chance to be a part of the solution. Pick one of the statements below to comment on:
1. In your opinion, what is a students role to support charities?
2. Is aiding charities a responsibility for a young adult or only for adults who benefit by receiving tax breaks for their charitiable contributions?
3. How old should students begin helping with charitable efforts?
4. What are some other ways besides Empty Bowls that you have personally helped a charitable organization?

Post your comments to the blog and respond to any posts you read.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

CERAMICS 1/2 - Assignment #1- Week #1: What would you do???

As reported on the World Food Day website, Poverty forces people to make choices in countries where the annual income per person is $100 or less.
How would your family live on $100/year per person. What would you do without? Why? What would you eat?

Post your comments to the blog as well as respond to comments you read.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Bloggers Contract

All students must complete and turn in a bloggers contract before participating in the P'Dub Empty Bowls blogging assignment. All students need to participate as your grade is based on your blogging particpation.

Blogging Contract